We are so excited to be launching our baby “Ribbet” to the world today! Join us on an adventure to bring serious photo editing power to everyone. Built on the same platform that made Picnik great, Ribbet.com is the world’s easiest and most powerful online photo editor.

So get ready for collages, touch-ups, advanced photographic effects including curves and clone tools, fonts, frames, stickers, vampire effects, beards, and an entire pond full of effects. To celebrate our launch, Ribbet Premium is on us. For a limited time, all of Ribbet’s premium features are free for everyone! So what are you waiting for? Start Editing!

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  1. Thank you.. Thank you!! It’s like coming home again! you guys are awesome!

  2. Kamran Mackey Reply

    Very impressed. I love you guys already. Awesome job, guys. Keep it coming. Tons of people will find you and like your Facebook page and Twitter profile. You will have over a million users in 1 month, I know it. Thank you Ribbet! for allowing us to edit our photos again! You guys will go far!

  3. YESSSS!!!!! sooo happy!!!!! but just one question… do y’all have the basic downloader or do you plan on installing one? My computer freezes whenever i try to save a photo by clicking the “save photo” 🙁

    • Avatar photo
      Ribbet Reply

      Yes the basic downloader will be coming. In the meantime you could:

      – try installing the latest version of flash: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
      – try the chrome web browser: http://www.google.com/chrome

      Also one easy thing that might fix it:

      – Right click Ribbet when you are in the editor, click “Settings…”, click on the folder tab (Local Storage) and make sure Ribbet has at least 1MB of local storage assigned

  4. I AM SO HAPPY!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I’m doing back flips over here I’m so happy! Now I can get back to work on my photos!

  5. So thrilled to have this style of photo editing back! Thanks a million for giving everyone a chance at excellent photo editing techniques, in an easy to use format. Like one user said…”it’s like coming home again”. Love it!!!

  6. Happy to have you back. To make your site more appealing and above your competitors can you add more text fonts and more frame options?

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      Ribbet Reply

      Thanks SD Davis. We will be constantly adding more appealing effects and fonts. Up next is the ability to load and save from/to Facebook and Flickr.

      • Hip hip hurray! I’ve been totally disabled without my daily picnik, can’t wait to Ribbet to access my Flickr! Cheers here!


  7. It is great to see the “picnik” platform back. Just wondering if you (the developers of this site) worked for Picnik or if Google decided to bring the platform back with a different name?

    I have found another site (developed by former Picnik techs) after much searching after the closure. I think you both will be pretty similar and there will be some competition. Hopefully this will result in both sites being great and just what I need.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Les, We have no affiliation with Picnik or Google and were not the developers on the original site. We are a completely independent software company who built on the Picnik platform which was released by Google under an open source license.

  8. Thank you thank you thank you for starting Ribbet!
    Ribbet is going to be amazing and i look forward to using it with extreme excitement.

  9. Aaaaaaaamen!!! THANK YOUUUUU for bringing back the AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. So glad you guys are here…I was lost without picnik…thank you, thank you, thank you for being so expedient with Ribbet! It’s wonderful!

  11. Thank you so much for uploading this … like im soo exciting to be able to edit my pics again bkuhz fotoflexer is good but not as good as this website but thank you so much for this website.. (:

  12. Hello!

    I am so happy to have this!!! Is there a way to add Ribbet directly to Picasa? add a widget?

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Cara! We are working on integrating with Facebook, Flickr and Picasa right now. This is our #1 priority and will be in a Ribbet update in the next few weeks.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Definitely something we are going to do. But this will come in a couple of versions time.

  13. Soooooo happy you guys are back!!! I knew Google couldn’t keep this product from existing. Ribbet is AWESOME duplicate of Picnik!!

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was lost when Picnik closed and searched online for something similar. You all are great. This is so user friendly and I will resume spending hours editing pics. I tried to go ahead and purchase the premium but it wouldnt’ let me. When can I purchase and how much is the premium per year?
    Thanks again!!

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      Ribbet Reply

      Thanks Lori. Ribbet Premium is currently free for a limited time, and so if you have registered you are now already on premium. Once the free period is over, you will then need to purchase it in order to continue your premium subscription.

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      Ribbet Reply

      We don’t have exact pricing yet but it will be relatively inexpensive and similar to what Picnik charged.

  15. Thank you ribbet!! Delighted you are here! I will be happy to pay for the premium service. Hooray for the little guy!

  16. Good for you to fill a wide yawning need for super simple tools to work magic on complex creations. I wish you the best of luck with your new venture.

  17. THANK YOU!!!! Just got through editing a 100 photos, which was a backlog from when I last used you know who! The workflow went perfect and smoother then when I was using picnik. You have all of my prefered converts, like the fun mirror, which I can do so much with,lighteing and the moons. Thanks again. I am still doing back flips on this program resurfaceing.

  18. Hi – just want to THANK YOU very much for coming back online. There is nothing out there that even compares to this layout or ease of photo editing. Its amazing!! Can’t thank you enough!! The only question I have and I understand you all are just getting underway however can you tell me once my image is saved at what pixel its saved at. I beleive Picnik was 16…what is Ribbit saving at?
    PS – LOVE LOVE LOVE that you all are back on!! Thanks!!

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      Ribbet Reply

      Thanks Lee! We save images at the exact same resolution as Picnik (up to 16 megapixels). We also auto-resize very large photos when you first open them (as Picnik did), however you can overwrite this by clicking Undo immediately after you upload a large image, or by changing your account settings. For more details see: auto-resize help

      • You all are too kind!! Thanks for heads up!! Again, so excited to have you back!!!

  19. thank you soooooooo much for returning!!!! this is my #1 go to photo editing website, all my pictures thank ribbet.com for such amazing editing tools!! you guys are awesome!! oh, thanks for making premium editing tools free for awhile, i’ve been wanting to use them ever since i’ve been using picnik and ribbet.com. keep up the good work!! 🙂

  20. also, i’ve been wondering for the longest time, how do you change the little picture next to your name on the website?? do you have to buy premium to change it??

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      Ribbet Reply

      Thanks Denita, and funny you should ask that. I’d actually never thought about that, and currently there isn’t a way to change that picture. It’s the same for everyone. This might be something we let you change down the track.

  21. I think I love it. But we always want more right? I want to edit from and save back to Picasa. I use Flickr also and am glad you are connected there. Good luck. I think it is going to be awesome.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Joel, Picasa import and save is coming in a future version.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Abi. Basically Picnik was shut down by Google. We aren’t affiliated with Picnik or Google, but loved the original Picnik interface and so we created Ribbet! which is based on the same source code as Picnik (which was released by Google). So Picnik didn’t really become Ribbet, we just created the site to have a very similar interface to what Picnik had.

  22. So happy to had picnik back, I love it. Thanks soooo….. Much. Keep up the good work.

  23. I HAD NO IDEA PICNIK WAS BACK!! I’m am beside myself with excitement, and there’s no room for both of us in this chair! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! You just made my month!!!

    I <3 RIBBET (and its Picnik-like misspelling)!!! Happy day!

  24. Thank you for making this site possible. I teach middle school art & we used picnik for many photography units. I didn’t know what I was going to do this fall, but now, I can continue to use it here. It’s great for our students.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Tamia, It should be as simple as visiting http://www.ribbet.com and clicking “Start Editing”. Following the prompts should then be self-explanatory. If you need any further help you can also ask us in our help forum.

  25. Oh WOW!!! So thrilled to see this!! I was a Picnik user and was devastated! I am almost in tears over here!! So so so happy to have Ribbet!!! Thank you soooo much!! This is AWESOME!!! Best gift ever!!! You guys rule!!! So happy that I am at a loss for words. (Over a website, kindof ridiculous, I know…….but I know there are tons of people that feel the same way that I do!!)
    Again, Thanks Bunches!!! Can’t thank you enough!

  26. I have missed out on a year of editing photo’s thanks so much I love it, love it love it!!!!! I never thought I would find another site like Picnik, so easy to use so many possibilities yes yes yes… ZuriART Abstratography is back!!!!!!

  27. Um…can you like get Christmas cards printed here? Can you order Christmas cards on here and get them printed, but have to pay for them?

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Suzy, Thanks for contacing us! Yes, you will be able to order Christmas cards here once we launch the Ribbet Lab, which will be within the next couple of weeks. Please check back soon in order to be able to do this!

  28. Gloria Froman Reply

    How do you combine 2 pictures? On Piknik, you could have 2 pics up at the same time, and move some of one pic to the other pic. I can not figure out how to do this on Ribbet. I have looked thru the comments, and can’t find anything. thanks!

    • Avatar photo
      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Gloria, Thanks for contacting us. You can combine 2 pictures in the same way as you did with Picnik: Simply upload the background image, and then drag the 2nd image from the Photo Basket at the bottom of the editor. You can then also use the Eraser Tool (something which didn’t exist in Picnik) to remove unwanted areas from the 2nd image.

      Another new feature to Ribbet is the ability to start with a Blank Canvas and then drag on images from the Photo Basket to create a free-form collage. To do this head to the Library > Start tab and click Blank Canvas. Let us know if you have any further questions!

  29. Anirban Biswas Reply

    I am from India. I used to work on my photos with the amazing tools of ribbet. But it now has to be upgraded .But i do not have crdit card. Can I pay the premium with my visa debit card? I tried but payment was rejected. Cannot i use ribbet from India? How can i get it back?

    • Avatar photo
      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Anirban, You should be able to upgrade using a PayPal account. If you require any further assistance please contact us here so that we can help you out one-on-one!

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