We are thrilled to announce today’s release of the latest version of Ribbet! featuring:

– Improved look and feel
Chrome web app
– Fix for filename changing to “image” instead of using known filename (when saving)
– Fix for some Flickr images not rotating correctly in collages
– Fix for saving to Flickr and Facebook sometimes failing
– Flickr replace support: If you have already connected to Flickr click Library > Flickr and then Options > Disconnect and then reconnect to allow the option to replace when saving an edited Flickr image (you only need to do this once)
– Various stability and interface improvements
– New contact us page on our site for one-on-one support and improved press kit page for bloggers and webmasters

Check it out and let us know what you think

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  1. wish to download ribbet-for free- i have no mponey-sorry-im a poor artist-help me pls

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi ioana200k, All Ribbet features are currently free for a limited time: simply register to take part. No need to download anything, just click Start Editing at http://www.ribbet.com.

  2. hi, until when this site is free?I registered as premium member but i notice just now that i can`t see/use fonts and other premium featured that does not happen before..why is that? I was hoping this site is for free forever, nonetheless im still thankful we have you Ribbet

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Joan, We don’t have an exact date for when our free period will end. You should still be able to use all premium features for free as long as you are logged in. Make sure you can see your username up the top right of the screen. If you are logged in and still unable to use premium features I’d suggest logging out, closing your browser completely, reopening and logging in again. If you continue to have any problems please send us details here and we’ll sort it out for you.

  3. Hi! Can you tell me for how long will Ribbet stay free. I’m a membership but i want to know if i am a member now, will it be free forever for me now that i have been registred since July. thank you 🙂

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Elda, We don’t have an exact date for when the free trial period will end, but we will give you lots of notice before it does. Once it ends, your premium account will revert to a regular registered account and it will be necessary to pay a small and very reasonable sum for the premium service. We are currently also looking into the possibility of providing a free, ad-supported premium account.

  4. I was devastated when Picnik decided to shut down. I’ve been looking for something just like it ever since. I JUST NOW stumbled upon Ribbit and can not say in words how excited and happy I am! RIBBIT IS AWESOME! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Annie Gleason Reply

    I am on the Free Trial and I want to cancel. Problem: I can’t remember my password. I have requested an email from Ribbet 4 times and it is not coming to my email address. Help. I don’t want to be charged for something I am not going to use.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Annie, Sorry that you’ve had this problem. There isn’t any user registered with the email you posted this blog comment with, and so I suspect you used the Ribbet guest account without registering. Guest accounts are automatically deleted after 3 days, and so your account is already cancelled.

      Even if you have registered, there is no need to cancel your account because we will not charge you unless you explicitly pay once Ribbet Premium is no longer free. At this stage we haven’t collected any billing details whatsoever from anyone, and so we have no way of charging you anyway.

      If you have registered for a Ribbet account using a different email address and still want to cancel your account anyway (or retrieve your password), send us an email to support [at] ribbet.com from this email address and we’ll sort things out for you promptly.

  6. Sayuri Richee Reply

    Okay so apparently I can’t use /anything/ without paying for it?

    I used to use this website all the time for editing photo’s but if you’re seriously going to make me pay just to edit a simple photo then I guess I’ll have to find a new photo editing site that’s actually free, I thought maybe I wasn’t signed in right or something so I made a whole new account but I can’t do anything without “Upgrading”, I’m sixteen I literally do not have the money to just pay a website to edit a simple photo into my OC and so on.

    If I’m going to actually have to pay to do anything including even closing an annoying add that takes up room on my screen then there’s no way I’m using this site ever again.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Sayuri, Thanks for contacting us! You can actually use all the Effects, Stickers, Text etc which aren’t marked as “Premium”. These can continue to be used on a free account.

      Let us know if you have any further questions. Thanks!

      • Sayuri Richee Reply

        That’s the thing though, I wanna use eye colour and so on but that I can’t do, I don’t care about the stickers and what not.

        I used eye colour and stuff to change the colours into my OC and so forth but now I can’t.

  7. hi ive used ribbit free for a long time i dont mind paying as i find your site really top class is it safe to put my card num on the web i ve never done it before!!

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Freda, Yes it is completely secure. We use the latest encryption and security standards to ensure that your payment information is always safe with us. Let us know if you have any further queries or concerns!

  8. veronica Flores Reply

    Hello i use your program from 2 years and i just love it, but now i was triyng to edit photos as i usually do and most of touching tools are PREMIUM, i’m From Portugal, is it easy , can i pay with credit card and is it safe? I really need it 🙁

    Thank you

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Veronica, Thanks for contacting us. As of Monday, our free Premium period has now come to an end (after almost 3 years), and payment is now required to access our Premium features. Up until now our Premium offering has been free for a limited time, but now we need to start charging in order to continue to maintain a high quality service, and so that we can develop lots of exciting new features and apps for mobile devices.

      Paying with credit card is very simple and completely secure. Simply click Upgrade on the top toolbar within the editor and then Upgrade Now. Let us know if you have any further questions!

  9. Jacque Sherrill Reply

    I rec’d the announcement email that contained a promise of a special offer:
    “As a loyal Ribbet member who registered during our free period, we’ll be sending you an exclusive deal on our new Premium packages shortly before they go live, so stay tuned for this offer in your email. ”
    Never got it, even started following on Twitter so I wouldn’t miss anything. I don’t mind paying but would like tosave money for being a loyal user but I have not rec’d the special offer as promised so am reluctant to renew at full price or not get the special rate.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Jacque, We’ve just emailed you through the special offer. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance!

      • Jacque Sherrill Reply

        I still have received nothing except the initial announcement email (the one you called 2nd ever.) I used Ribbet daily and I need to get it back, just needing to get info on the special offer sent to me: j***s@hotmail.com. My email has not changed and nothing has landed in the ‘other.’ Anxious to receive this info. Thanks!

        • Avatar photo
          Ribbet Reply

          Hi Jacque, It looks like our emails are having trouble reaching you. Please ensure you are logged into your account, and then visit this page for the special offer. We’ve extended the offer and it is still valid.

  10. I have received a special offer from you to join Ribbet Premium. I love Ribbet which, for a non-technical person, is really great to use! However, I have no idea what will change if I move to Premium; what will I be able to do that I can’t do now? How easy is the Help? I see people talking about changing eye colour and I still haven’t managed to do that … so what am I getting and what can I do with it? Thank you.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Penelope, Thanks for contacting us! Here’s a brief run-down on what our Premium membership offers:

      – Access to all Ribbet Premium effects, stickers, frames, and seasonal content (flagged with the word “Premium” to the right of them in the editor)
      – Access to all Premium fonts, and collage layouts (with a blue background in the editor)
      – Unlimited editing and upload history (so that you can open up your edits later on and continue with them, or alter them)
      – Ad-free editing
      – Full-screen editing
      – New Premium features, and content on an ongoing basis

      Help is available next to each effect by clicking the question mark icon when the effect is opened. There is also help for collages by clicking the question mark icon on the top toolbar when creating your collage. We also have some help articles here. Lastly you can always contact us to ask questions either on this forum, or directly here.

      Let us know if you have any other questions!

  11. I just want to start off by saying that I love using Ribbet. I do not have the premium at this time but do plan to upgrade. I have not had any problems until recently. When i edit pictures, i use the pro editing version. Lately when I try and error window pops up saying the photo hasnt been uploaded to the server. When this happened i waited for almost 4 hours and it still says the same thing. I was wanting to know what the problem might be?

    • Avatar photo
      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Heather, Thanks for contacting us! It sounds like there was a problem with your original image getting uploaded. This can sometimes occur due to a temporary Internet connection issue.

      Can you please try closing the current photo (from the Home tab, just under the “Upload Photos” button)? Then try again.

      Alternatively, if you upload multiple photos at once on the Library tab > Get from Computer sub-tab, you can wait for them to finish uploading before you edit them. That way you will never run into this issue again.

      Let us know if you have any other questions!

  12. Hello,

    I have been a user of Ribbet now for a couple of years and found the site very useful, used it quite frequently when you had the Free Premium version. Since then your Premium service has changed and I am now paying monthly to use my account. Now that I am paying a fee I feel there are a lot of features that should either be fixed or become available; such as:

    – Adding “word wrap” option to the text feature
    – Go back and edit a collage after you click the Done button, without losing any other changes made to the photo/collage
    – Add more effects feature
    – Add more clip arts
    – Add templates for poster making
    – Add drop shadow option
    – Ability to remove watermarks easily

    Hopefully this reaches someone’s attention and my comment is given some consideration.

    Thank You,

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Ro,

      Thank you so much for this feedback! These are excellent suggestions, and we will be looking at including them in the future.

      Some of them are already scheduled for the near future, in particular more clip art and templates. Drop shadow has also been a popular request and is something we are going to include down the track. Regarding removing watermarks, this can be best achieved with either the Pro tab > Clone tool, or the Effects tab > Doodle tool (depending on if the background is complex or flat).

      As a Premium subscriber you can expect more and more features to become available and we will be listening carefully to what our users need, and delivering on it.

      Let us know if you have any further suggestions or questions!

  13. How do I create circular or rounded Text? I’m trying to create a round design and I would like my Text curved around the picture. I’ve tried right clicking the text, but I don’t see an option. Please help. Thanks…. Cindy

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Cindy,

      Thanks for contacting us! Unfortunately currently this isn’t possible with Ribbet. It has been a fairly popular request, and we will be looking at supporting curved text in the future.

      Let us know if you have any other questions!

  14. val harguth Reply

    How do I get pics from someone elses facebook page I used to be able to see pics from my friends on facebook

    • Avatar photo
      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Val, Thanks for contacting us! Unfortunately this capability was removed from Facebook’s programming interface in their latest update, and won’t be possible from any app anymore, including Ribbet. I believe they changed this in order to increase the privacy of your friend’s photos and other information. Let us know if you have any other questions!

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