Remove background from photo

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    • #4327 Reply

      Hi I can’t quite find what I am looking for. I have a photo that I have added funny stickers to, and now I want to add another photo of my dog ‘photobombing’ in front of half the background photo. I have watched your videa on youtube, but its too quick for me to see the actual steps that you go through. When I use the Eraser, it removes the background image (doesn’t delete the area around my dog in the front image to expose the part that I want on the background). HELP PLEEEEASE

    • #4329 Reply

      Hi Rosemary, Thanks for contacting us. To achieve this you need to:

      1. Drag on the dog from the Photo Basket at the bottom of the editor
      2. Click the Eraser Button on the Photo Properties dialog that appears (see our eraser tool help)
      3. Erase the areas of the dog photo by dragging over it with your mouse button down

      If you continue to have a problem, please contact us here so that we can help you out one-on-one.

    • #4330 Reply

      Thanks so much, but how do I find the Photo Properties? I cant find it (can you tell its my first play)?

    • #4332 Reply

      Hi Rosemary, Absolutely. It will appear as a popup type of window and will automatically position based on your screen size and image size (normally to the right of your photo). It will look like this.

    • #19062 Reply
      DJ Que

      Do you have to the paid plan to use the eraser?

      • #19064 Reply

        Hi DJ Que,

        Thanks for reaching out to us! You can use the Eraser Tool for free – there is no need to upgrade.

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

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