Interface with Flickr and Facebook

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    • #195
      Ken Wolf

      I have seen in Q&A from April that getting pictures from, and sending to, Flickr and Facebook, etc. was “coming soon.” I don’t see that functionality here. Am I missing something, or is that capability yet to come?

    • #198

      Hi Ken, in order to launch ASAP (as we came up against a lot of issues which delayed us), we removed Flickr/Facebook etc integration from the initial release. This is our #1 priority and will be in the very next release. We don’t anticipate that this will take too long, but we wanted to leave it for a minor upgrade so that we could at least open and get moving.

    • #216
      Ruth & Darryl

      Adding Flickr integration was our only question – It’s great to hear it’s in your future. We are totally sold on We were Premium Picnik users for years and have tried and tried different photo editors since the end of Picnik – it felt like roaming around in the dark. We love, it works beautifully. – Thank you , Thank you, Thank you!!
      Ruth & Darryl

    • #200
      Ken Wolf

      Thanks for the quick response. I’ll be looking forward to it. It’s good to be “home” again.

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