cannot save

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    • #493

      i LOVE how ribbet works…..
      one huge problem… every single time i hit save i get an error that says “internet explorer has stopped working” and then i have no choice but to shut it down and lose all of my work. i thought it was that my internet connection was too far away from my wireless modem but i have the location changed now and i am fine in all other aspects of internet use. PLEASE help!!!!!!!

    • #500

      Hi Erika, Sorry for the frustration. This problem, which occurs in many online photo editors, is due to a specific version of Internet Explorer and Flash. The easiest solutions are:

      – You can save using the "Basic Downloader" link under the red "Save" button, or
      – You can try using Google Chome instead of Internet Explorer, or
      – You can try Updating Flash

      Hope that helps

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