We’ve just launched the latest Ribbet version with some of the best features yet!
– Favorite your most loved Ribbet effects, stickers, frames & seasonals to keep them shortlisted on your Favorites tab
– Google+, Picasa Web and Blogger integration: Edit, save, optionally replace and create collages directly from these services (connect via Picasa, Google+ tab)
– 21st Century Impressionism: Create oil paintings from your photos with this brand new effect
– 23 New Out-of-this-world Sandbox Effects to take your image processing to a whole new level
– Eraser brush added to HDR-ish, Pencil Sketch, Neon and Posterize effects
– Increased background contrast for better visibility when creating a white Blank Canvas
– Ability to replace edited Flickr photos now a feature for everyone, not just Flickr Pro members
– Bug fixes: Closed tool-tips no longer popup on future visits, Flickr replace problems and saving to a particular Flickr Set fixed, Hitting Enter key on Blank Canvas dialog now working
Check out the updates and please share your new creations with us on Facebook and Flickr. We’re excited to see what can be done!