The new Browser-Based Ribbet is now LIVE in Beta! Try it at here on a desktop computer.

Something to keep in mind as you navigate the new version is there are still features we are working on fixing and improving, and effects and tools that we are in the process of adding.

If you do get stuck and can’t finish your editing, you can continue to use the version of Ribbet that you’re used to by downloading the desktop application which works just as it always has.

If you have any feedback, notice anything strange or have anything to say about the new Ribbet editor, we welcome and appreciate all of your comments and invite you to post them right here, in the comments section below, or on our Facebook Group RibbetEd.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Happy editing and Happy Holidays,

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Kellie,

      Thanks for reaching out to us!

      We haven’t yet added the Clone tool to our new online beta, but we will be adding it in the coming weeks along with other features like Frames and Stickers.

      In the meantime you can download our program version from which is identical to our previous (Flash) version and has all the features you’re used to like Clone. It will continue to work well into the future. Once installed it will add a Ribbet icon to your Windows desktop / Mac icon dock – you can launch Ribbet from that (no need to return to our website). You can also sign into it with your existing Ribbet account. 

      Let us know if you have any other questions.

      – Regards, The Ribbet Team

  1. The web version’s “resize” tool could seriously use a quick percentage entry to allow for easy scaling of images, keeping aspect ratio unchanged. Requiring manual entry of pixel sizes is not user friendly.
    Having that feature, along with allowing google drive subfolder access (instead of only accessing images in Google Drive root folder) would make me a paying customer.

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      Ribbet Reply

      Hi Jakob,

      Thanks for this excellent feedback! I’ve passed it on to our product team and I’m confident we can provide these improvements in future updates.

      – Ben

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