Precise Text Size Control

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    • #3566 Reply

      I used Picnik up until they moved into the Google+ photo editing department. So i sucked it up and started using that, but today they destroyed it and replaced it with something that does not help me out at all. I found this website out and was pleasantly surprised how nice it was and similar to the original Picnik. I have one problem, I am working on some images (have been for awhile) and I use the fonts on this website as the default fonts, but the sizes are different compared to Picnik and Ribbet. I need to get to a certain number in this case 16, but I cannot achieve said number. I can get 15, 17, and 18. All are either too small or too big. Is there any way I can get precise control over the slider bar instead of it jumping around? Or maybe input a number via keyboard like how I do with the color scheme?

    • #3570 Reply

      Hi Daniel, Thanks for contacting us. There is one way to get more precise control: Try zooming right into the image and center on the text (you may need to zoom to around 600%), click on the text and then drag the corner to resize it slowly. At a high zoom level this should go through each size one-by-one so that you can get 16 exactly.

    • #3574 Reply

      This indeed works! I thank you for your speedy answer! 🙂

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