Images won’t save

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    • #788 Reply

      I have tried multiple times to save an image that I did some editing to, but when I go into my picture files and look under the folder I placed it in it says that it cannot open file. Do you have any suggestions? I’m really wanting to save them or move them. Help!


    • #790 Reply

      Hi Darren. This is probably because either a) the files aren’t saving with the .jpg extension (when you save the file make sure you give it a name such as “picture.jpg“) or b) because you don’t have an image viewer installed on your computer. It’s most likely due to a). You can also rename your existing files to have the correct extension and they should then open.

    • #791 Reply

      Thank you, I have been browsing the net looking for people with similar problems and I actually got it to work. It takes a few extra steps but it is worth it. Thank you for your timely response. Have a great day.

      Darren Henderson

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