Edited Pictures not saved online

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    • #6180 Reply

      Many times I edit a picture and save it to my computer, and close the Ribbet website. Then I realize I have to make some more minor adjustments, for which I have to either edit the picture all over again, or upload the edited version. It’s quite hard particularly in the case of text, which can’t be edited as it becomes a part of the picture.

      So, is there any way to save and edit the picture from where we left it?

    • #6183 Reply

      Hi Kivamalik, Thanks for contacting us! As long as you’re registered with a Ribbet account, you can open up your edit from the Library > History tab. Double click the image, and you’ll then be able to make changes, such as remove the text you previously added. Let us know if you have any further questions!

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