Dragging from the Photo Basket

Home Forums Questions & Answers Dragging from the Photo Basket

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    • #3676 Reply
      Jennifer Miller

      Are my photos losing quality when I drag them from my History Photo Basket into another image? The individual photos are huge files, but then they seem grainy as soon as I incorporate them into a larger collage-type work….
      I’m so glad that Picnik was reincarnated as Ribbit! 🙂 I was lost without you!

    • #3682 Reply

      Hi Jennifer, Thanks for contacting us and for your positive feedback. We really appreciate it!

      Photos dragged from the Photo Basket are added with JPEG quality 8, which is the default save quality when saving from Ribbet normally. So there shouldn’t be any noticeable graininess. Sometimes when you first drag the image on it’s grainy for a few moments before the high quality version downloads. For really large files, depending on your internet speed, this could take a short time.

      If this doesn’t help and you feel that your photos are coming in too grainy, please contact us here with details of the photo you’re trying to drag on so that we can follow up with you one-on-one and get it sorted out for you.

    • #3736 Reply
      The Rattle Remix Line

      Hello again Ribbet team!
      How can I delete pictures from my photo basket without having to clear all of them ? Thanks!

    • #3738 Reply

      Hi The Rattle Remix Line, Simply head to the Library tab > Get from Computer and from there you can click the Cog icon to the bottom right of any image and select Delete. This will also remove them from the Photo Basket.

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