Delete Sticker

Home Forums Questions & Answers Delete Sticker

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    • #5926 Reply

      How do I delete a sticker after putting it in picture. Now I don’t want it but do not know how to delete it?

    • #5928 Reply

      Hi Sue, Thanks for contacting us. Deleting a sticker should be as simple as clicking on it and then either hitting the Delete key on your keyboard, or clicking the Delete button on the Sticker Properties dialog which appears. Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #5929 Reply

      I did try that, but it is not working, still there. I have tried it with other stickers I put on and there is a box surrounding it and then it will delete. But, this particular one will not show the box nor delete. Not sure what to do….

    • #5931 Reply

      There is an exception and that’s if you add a sticker using the Pro tool. After using this tool the image is flattened and the only way to remove a sticker is to Undo back through your changes. If you haven’t used the Pro tool and you’re still experiencing a problem, save your image and contact us here to let us know to investigate your last History item. We’ll look into what the issue is and let you know what we find.

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