Delete from history

Home Forums Help How to: Program version Delete a Photo Delete from history

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    • #62
      Avatar photoRibbet

      The History section includes photos you’ve uploaded, edited, and then saved somewhere else. Ribbet Premium members can store an unlimited number of photos there, registered users can store five.

      1. Go to the Library tab.
      2. Open the History section.
      3. Select the individual photo to delete.
      4. Click the red delete button for that photo.
      5. Confirm that you’d like to permanently delete the photo.

      You can delete all photos in the History section by clicking the Options menu below your username on the left and selecting Clear all.

      When you Save & Share your edited photos, they’re also stored outside of Ribbet at the location you choose. If you’d like to delete the image, go to the location where the photo is stored (Picasa Web Albums, Flickr, your computer, etc.) and delete the file there.
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