Adding Background Image

Home Forums Questions & Answers Adding Background Image

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    • #6353 Reply
      Dori Price


      Unless I upload a photo before entering the edit tool I don’t see how I can add an image within the editing tool after I’ve decided on wording and fonts. How do i insert a background image within the editing tool?

    • #6355 Reply

      Hi Dori, Thanks for contacting us! You can add additional images by dragging them on from the Photo Basket at the bottom of the editor. You can also then right-mouse-click on the image you’ve dragged on to send it to the back.

      Normally you would start by uploading the image you want to use as your background, and then drag on any additional images from the Photo Basket, but this will only make a difference if you want to erase areas from the foreground images.

      Let us know if you have any further questions!

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