Reply To: curving text

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An update on this: there actually is a way to create curved text right now using the Pro Editor tool, but the text won’t be editable again later. We will at some stage add it to the main Ribbet editor and it will be easier. But, here’s how to do it right now:

1. Open up the Pro Editor tool > Ribbet Fly (on the Pro tab)
2. Click the “T” icon on the left bar (Text icon) and then click on your photo
3. Choose your font/size on the top bar and then type your word(s)
4. Now click Warp on the top bar. Choose the Style (e.g. Arc or Arch) and adjust the sliders if necessary
5. When you’re done click the File > Save menu

Let us know if you have any questions!

– Regards, The Ribbet Team