We can’t find the URL you specified, sorry.

Home Forums Questions & Answers We can’t find the URL you specified, sorry.

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    • #6476 Reply

      Every photo I use, i right click and copy url, and everytime it states “We can’t find the URL you specified, sorry.” what is the problem as the links are not invalid and work normally?

    • #6483 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Ollie, Thanks for contacting us! We don’t currently support sharing of images by URL (this is something we will be supporting in the future). At the moment you need to either save to your computer and share from there, or save to Facebook/Flickr/Picasa and share that way. Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #6484 Reply

      Ive been able to import photos to ribbet before though through the option “get from website”, how ever everytime I try to import an image it states “We can’t find the URL you specified, sorry.”

    • #6487 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Ollie,

      Sorry, I misunderstood your initial question. This error tends to occur when the image is not publicly available. Ribbet is only able to retrieve images which are both publicly available (don’t require any login etc.) and which are also not blocked by the particular website. Most public URLs will work, for example: https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo11w.png

      If you would like us to investigate the issue further, can you please provide us with an example URL to illustrate the problem you’re running into? Thanks!

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