Using Ribbet’s Cloud Storage

Home Forums Questions & Answers Using Ribbet’s Cloud Storage

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    • #5628 Reply
      Wes Camino

      How do I take advantage of Ribbet’s unlimited free cloud storage of my photos? Is it storage for only my edited photos or all my photos? I’ve just bought a Chromebook and have started using Ribbet’s app. I am exploring all my photo storage options at this time. Thank you.

    • #5632 Reply

      Hi Wes, Thanks for contacting us. The free cloud storage is only for photos intended for editing. Any unedited photos are automatically deleted from your account after 14 days. For Ribbet Premium members (Ribbet Premium membership is currently free for a limited time for all registered users), original uploads that have been edited remain in your account indefinitely, along with the edited version.

    • #5992 Reply
      Chrissie ball

      I can only see the last 1000 of my edited photos. How do I search further back?? Thanks

    • #5995 Reply

      Hi Chrissie, Thanks for contacting us! At this stage it’s necessary to delete items from your history in order to see further back than 1000 images. You can preview all history items here in the Ribbet Lab, however currently selecting an item will show it on Ribbet Lab merchandise, as opposed to load it in the editor.

    • #6037 Reply
      Mona Leonard

      Can I purchase additional storage?

    • #6039 Reply

      Hi Mona, Currently we allow unlimited storage, however you’re only able to see the last 100 uploads and the last 1000 edits on the Library > Get from Computer and History tabs respectively. To view back beyond this you need to delete some items from these tabs.

      In the future we may offer the ability to purchase additional storage beyond these levels. I’ve added this to our wishlist for consideration and we may include it in a future Ribbet version (in which case I’ll update this thread).

      Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #8434 Reply
      Jennifer Miller

      I use Ribbet extensively for work & am wondering the same thing. Is there a way I can store ediited/editable images without fear of them being “pushed” past my 1000 limit & deleted? I would be willing to pay, within reason, for this capability.

      I am a long-time user of Ribbet/Picnik & love the program. Thank you!

    • #8924 Reply

      Hi Jennifer,

      We are working on allowing editing of your entire image history (beyond the 1000 limit). This will be provided for free, with the next big Ribbet update.

      Thanks for your feedback!

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