sizing a blank canvas

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    • #1345 Reply
      cheryl dalton

      I want to start with a canvas size of 11″x14″ what dimensions do I put in to get this size.

    • #1360 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Cheryl, For 11″x14″ use 1650×2100.

    • #1549 Reply
      Kimberly Carlson

      Hi, what size do I use for a 20×30 poster? Thanks

    • #1551 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Kimberly, For a 20×30 poster use 1400×2100.

    • #1557 Reply

      I want to start with a canvas size of 8.75″ x 11.25″ what dimensions do I put in to get this size.

    • #1561 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Minda, For 8.75×11.25″ you should create a blank canvas of size 1633×2100.

    • #1614 Reply
      Kayla Kroeger

      I am trying to create a photo collage, but i want it to print as a 5×7 photo. What proportions do I put on the sliding bar when I am creating the collage?

    • #1620 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Kayla, As long as the collage is a square shape to begin with, you can use the proportions 42:58 or 58:42 to print to 5×7.

    • #1642 Reply
      Kimberly Carlson

      Hi I had asked the question about the 20x 30 poster. But when I uploaded the poster to the Costco 20×30 it looks too small and Costco says it too small. Do you know what happened. I used the number you suggested 1400 x2100.

    • #1644 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Kimberly, Sorry about that. The dimensions I gave you originally: 1400×2100, while in the correct ratio, will only be 70 DPI when printed at 20×30. You can instead create a blank canvas of size 3200×4800 which will give you 160 DPI when printing, which should be sufficient for a large poster.

    • #1645 Reply

      I would like to size a picture to a 10x 20. How do I do that? thanks!

    • #1652 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Karen, For 10×20″ use a blank canvas of dimensions 1500×3000.

    • #1891 Reply
      Kimberly Carlson

      Hi I would like to size an add that is 2 7/8 by 1 3/4. What size do I use?

    • #1956 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Kimberly, For 2 7/8 by 1 3/4, create a blank canvas of dimensions 986×600.

    • #6114 Reply

      I want to make a banner that is 6 feet by 2 feet..
      Can I do this with Ribbet?
      What dimensions should I use?

    • #6119 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Roadrunner, Thanks for contacting us! You can create a blank canvas at 6900 x 2300px. This will allow for a DPI of 96, which is a little on the low side, however should be of an acceptable quality for a banner that will be viewed from at least a few feet away. You should check with the company producing the banner that these dimensions are large enough for them. Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #6329 Reply

      I need my photo to print as 5 x 7. I don’t understand your answer above 42:58? Is that pixels?

    • #6331 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Michael, Thanks for contacting us! The 42:58 above was referring to the Proportions slider when creating a collage. For creating a Blank Canvas for a 5×7″ photo, simply choose 5×7 from the dropdown (after clicking Create Blank Canvas).

      Alternatively if you just want to make a photo fit 5×7″, use the Basic Edits tab > Crop tool with 5×7 in the Constraints dropdown to crop your image so that it will fit perfectly. Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #6387 Reply
      Michael Goodrich

      I wanted to print a 5 x 7 photo, so I was told to use 1000 x 1400 dimensions in the resize edit. Unfortunately, this prints a photo as 6 x 7. How do I fix this?

    • #6389 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Michael, Thanks for contacting us. 1000×1400 is correct for 5×7″. The key will come down to your printer settings just before printing. Try opening up the Printer Settings dialog and ensuring that the correct paper size is selected. I’m not sure why it’s printing as 6×7 as the proportion of 1000:1400 is 5:7. Is it stretching the image when printing, or cropping it? Either way, it should be resolvable through the printer settings. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance!

    • #6454 Reply

      Hi! I need 6.30 x 2.60″ how do I put that in the blank canvas? :O Thanks! 🙂

    • #6456 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Kat, For 6.30×2.60″, use 1890×780. Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #6591 Reply

      I want to create a 16 1/2 x 11 3/4 poster, how to size it on ribbet? Will it get a sharp images when printing?

    • #6633 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Nini, Thanks for contacting us! For 16 1/2 x 11 3/4 use 4538 x 3231. This will provide a print quality of 275 DPI which will be very sharp when printing. Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #16611 Reply

      I started with one canvas size, and I created my image, however now I need to change the canvas size…how do I do that half way through a project once the canvas size has already been set?

    • #16614 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Paola! You can achieve this using the Basic tab > Resize tool. Untick the “Keep Proportions” option unless you want to force the proportions of your new canvas size to be the same as your original size.

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #18161 Reply
      Jillian Milne

      Hi. I want to create a blank canvas and add around 12 photos into a collage and then print the collage on A4 photo paper. How do I set up the proportions and what size and type of file should I save it as so the print quality is good.

    • #18166 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Jillian,

      Thanks for reaching out to us! Use the dimensions 2520 x 3564 and save with format PNG in order to maximise your quality.

      Let us know if you have any other questions!
      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #19080 Reply

      I am trying to create a 3.5 by 5 inches for my blank canvas. What dimensions do I use? Thank you.

    • #19084 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Stephanie!

      You can achieve this by selecting Custom Ratio… from the Preset dropdown and then entering your dimensions of 3.5 and 5. This is a relatively new feature and lets you specify any custom size without requesting the required dimensions here.

      Let us know if you have any other questions!

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #19232 Reply

      I need to create a collage of about 20 pictures in a heart shape and the printer has asked for a square of 20cm by 20cm 300 dpi. I have NO idea what measurements to put in the proper field…Please help! Thanks in advance

    • #19249 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Sara,

      Thanks for reaching out to us!

      If you just create your Shape Collage with the default settings, it will create a file that is 2880 x 2880 pixels. This is large enough to print at 24cm x 24cm (at 300dpi), so is definitely large enough for 20cm x 20cm.

      Please let us know if you have any questions!

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #19323 Reply

      I want to create a collage and print in 60cm*40*cm picture on an aluminum frame. I am trying to use grid collage – big photo. It is not clear to me how I can get a 300dpi (printing quality) picture out of the collage. Currently, the file is saved as 96 dpi with 2880W*2400H. But when I try to upload the picture. The printer software shows that a quarter of the image won’t be printed. So I am puzzled. Kindly let me know how to proceed?

      • #19370 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Rajesh,

        Thanks for reaching out to us. In order to print at 60 x 40cm at 300DPI, since this is equivalent to 23.6 x 15.7 inches, you’ll need an image of dimensions 7080 x 4710. This is larger than what Ribbet currently supports and so you won’t be able to achieve the full 300DPI.

        You could however still achieve this by opening the Constraints dropdown when creating your collage (on the left within the collage settings), selecting Custom… and entering 6 x 4. This will create a collage of dimensions 2880 x 1920, which when printed at 60 x 40cm will be approximately 122DPI. You may still find this acceptable – it will still be pretty sharp.

        Note the image file will still say “96dpi” but this is meaningless as DPI only takes on meaning when applied to a particular print size. It can be calculated by print length / image pixel length (in this case 2880 / 23.6″ = 122DPI).

        With 1/4 of the image being cropped by your printing software, I really am unsure what the exact issue is here, but if you email us some screenshots and an explanation to support [at] we’ll gladly help.

        Let us know if you have any questions!

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #19406 Reply

      What sizing should I use for 3.5 X 5.5 inches?

      • #19408 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Cassandra,

        Thanks for reaching out to us! Simply select “Custom Ratio…” from the Preset dropdown and then enter 3.5 x 5.5.

        Let us know if you have any questions!

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #19428 Reply
      Dyana Newton

      I want to create a label sized 3 inches by 3 1/4 inches using a blank canvas what dimensions would i put in

      • #19436 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Dyana,

        Thanks for reaching out to us!

        Simply select “Custom Ratio…” from the Preset dropdown and then enter 3 x 3.25.

        Let us know if you have any other questions!

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #20076 Reply

      I want to create a collage with a custom shape. How do I do that? Thanks!

      • #20078 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi SKH,

        Thanks for reaching out! Currently you can only create collages using the pre-defined shapes we offer. Note thought that for Shape Collage, there are more shapes that can be seen by clicking the various icons on the left bar.

        Let us know if you have any other questions!

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #20523 Reply

      what is the largest size you can go ? 30x 40 ?PG 300dpi? 9000x12000px?

      • #20527 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Lea,

        Thanks for reaching out to us! The largest supported size is currently 16 megapixels, which is 4000×4000 (or any dimensions which multiply to less than 16 million).

        This is 13.3×13.3″ at 300DPI.

        Let us know if you have any other questions!

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #28304 Reply

      I need the blank canvas to be 8 1/2 x 11. Thanks!!

    • #28307 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Jane,

      For 8 1/2 x 11 use 2550 x 3300.

      Let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

      The Ribbet Team

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