Shadow Effect

Home Forums Feature Requests Shadow Effect

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    • #1763 Reply

      I would like to request the ability to add a shadow behind any of the elements on the page, text included.
      Would like to see something maybe on the properties window for a shadow and the ability to change the shadow angle, softness and hardness, and distance of the shadow from behind the elements.

      I use shadow effects quite often to give depth to objects and text. It makes it pop off the page and gives it a real professional look.

      Thank you! I love your program!!!

    • #1779 Reply

      Hi Laura, This is a very good suggestion. I can see how this is a logical next step for Ribbet, and this is something we will definitely look at including at some stage. Thanks for the feedback!

    • #1782 Reply

      That is so awesome! Thank you for your consideration and for your quick reply. May I also suggest the ability to change the shadow color as well? This will give the Shadow Effect all of the bells and whistles.
      I’m really looking forward to the addition of this feature in Ribbets future. I teach people how to use online programs like Ribbet via video classes and I can honestly say, I have the most fun with Ribbet, with beautiful results and the only thing that was on my wish list for Ribbet was the shadow effect for the elements I’m working with when making my logos, headers and other graphics for social media and web presences.

      Thank you for providing this fantastic online and easy to use program. I am a loyal fan, recruiting new fans all the time. =)


    • #1784 Reply

      Definitely. I agree that shadow color would be a very nice addition. Thanks Laura for being a loyal fan and for recruiting new fans, as well as for giving us such brilliant suggestions to make Ribbet a better editor!

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