Saving a Picture

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    • #8205 Reply
      Brandon Hamilton

      When trying to save a picture I just got done editing, a message pops up saying “Sorry, we couldn’t generate your photo. This is probably because one or more images is missing.” The picture is in the Ribbet cloud from when I uploaded it and on my computer so I’m not too sure what this means. Help?

    • #8207 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Brandon,

      Thanks for contacting us and I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve run into this issue!

      Under Safari on the most recent versions of OS X, Ribbet has to use a special technique to save due to an Adobe bug which otherwise causes the browser to crash. This issue is affecting all online photo editors as well as other sites that need to save files to your computer using Flash.

      Normally with the workaround we have in place the save still works seamlessly, but if you’re having issues then make sure you can see your image on the Library > Uploads tab. If you can it should save, but if it still won’t I’d suggest using a different web browser such as Google’s free Chrome browser or Firefox as this will be a sure-fire solution given that these browsers use our standard save technique.

      Let us know if we can assist further in any way!

    • #12841 Reply
      Lady Magdelene

      Hello nice peoples, I seem to have a tiny problem, when I try to save it doesn’t show the title of the pic, and I like to save PNG and every rime I have to change it manually. Am i doing something wrong or is it you?

      PS: when i first stated on the new Ribbet everything was working fine!!

    • #12852 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Lady Magdelene,

      Thanks for reaching out to us! We did recently change how saving works in that we now default to PNG if the image is transparent and JPG otherwise. We need to fix things so that if you select PNG it doesn’t keep switching back to JPG. We are working on this now and will release a fix soon, as well as a fix for the title not showing. We’ll update you once this is resolved.

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #12950 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Lady Magdelene, We have now launched a fix for this issue. If you still have Ribbet opened you’ll need to reload it.

      Let us know if you come across any further issues with how save is working!

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #12956 Reply
      Lady Magdelene

      Hello from hot Arizona, IT WORKS GREAT, thank you!!


    • #16600 Reply

      Hi…Is there a way to change where the completed photos are saved? We used to be able to save them to the desktop or to any folder…now it just defaults to the Documents folder. Thanks.


    • #16604 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Julie! Yes, however this is a limitation of Safari and Firefox on Mac. If you use Chrome browser you’ll be able to select the save destination.

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #23272 Reply

      I upload a 7MB picture and then after working on it I save it, but even if I have made no changes at all to the picture it is saved as only 2.5MB, even if I select the maximum quality / size when saving it. Am I missing something or is this a limit to the functionality of the Ribbet Photo Editor?

    • #23280 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Sally,

      Thanks for your message! You can maximize the quality and file size of your edits by:

      1. Go to your user preferences by clicking “Hi Sally!” on the top right toolbar of our editor.
      2. Change the Print Quality setting to Archival.

      This will allow you to keep up to 16 megapixels of quality in your images.

      Additionally, when saving you can either:

      – Change the Quality slider to 100% for JPG (the default) format
      – Or, switch to PNG format for even larger files and perfect quality

      If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

      – Regards, The Ribbet Team

    • #23371 Reply
      Debbie Buckingham

      I was looking for information on saving a picture in a larger quality so that I can print a canvas photo in 16 x 20. I did what was advised above to Sally by changing my preferences to Archive, but now nothing in the photo editor works. As soon as I open the picture to edit it it zooms way in. I scroll out and the picture is there but none of the editing options change anything in the photo. I have an awesome family picture that I need to take a telephone pole out of using the cloning tool. It worked great before I changed to the archival mode. But I need the higher quality picture for my printing purposes.

    • #23373 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Debbie,

      I haven’t seen that issue before with it zooming way in. It may not be related to the Archival setting. Could you by any chance send us a screenshot of how it looks over email to support [at] so we can investigate?

      Another option is you can set your Image Quality setting back to Print (as opposed to Archival). Then after opening your image, click Undo once. This does the exact same thing as the Archival setting – it returns the image to its full resolution (up to a maximum of 16 megapixels).

      Does that help?

      – Regards, The Ribbet Team

    • #23375 Reply
      Debbie Buckingham

      I went back to the program to take a screen shot and here’s the funny thing….The program froze and stopped responding, so I exited out of it and was too tired to work on it anymore last night. Today when I opened it back up again it’s working! So it must’ve been one of those weird glitches that closing the program solved. It doesn’t help you, that I couldn’t get a screen shot to show you how it opened, but I guess the saying “if it’s not working…turn it off and back on again” applies here! 🙂 Thank you for your quick response. I’m really enjoying the program from a very basic perspective. I can see I have a lot to learn with all the features! Have a good day!

    • #23377 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Debbie,

      Great to hear! Yes, it must have been in some sort of funny state and restarting it must have fixed it. Amazing how turning things off and on so frequently works – in the case of Ribbet it’s because it clears out all the memory the program is consuming and resets it. So if it’s about to run out of memory or has some weird bug, everything gets reset back to new again.

      I’m very pleased to hear that you’re up and running, but if you do run into any further issues at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

      – The Ribbet Team

    • #23655 Reply
      Penny Whiteley

      Yay! I found you here … I want to save a phot as a jpg and not a png.
      The photo is a png and I cannot find any way to change it … Help … I think!
      Thank you …

      • #23658 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Penny,

        Thanks for reaching out! When you save a photo, there’s a “Format” dropdown where you can select from PNG or JPG. By switching this to JPG, you should be able to achieve what you’re after.

        If you have any other questions, please let us know!

        – Ben

    • #23666 Reply
      Jamie Friend

      Is there a way to apply the same frame to all my uploaded pictures, without having to do each one manually?

      • #23668 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet


        Currently there isn’t a way but we will be looking at batch image editing in a future update to Ribbet.

        Let us know if you have any other questions,

        – Ben

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