Save certain features that you use all the time

Home Forums Feature Requests Save certain features that you use all the time

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    • #7041 Reply

      I would love to see a way that I can create a template of the features that I use continually as a template, so I can just open that template and then add my photo to it. I use the matte frame and I constantly have to plug in the colors and size which is time consuming! But LOVE your site! I was using Pic Monkey and this is SO MUCH better!

    • #7046 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Cind, This is a brilliant suggestion, thank you! We’ve added it to our wishlist for inclusion in a future Ribbet version. Thanks for your kind words too šŸ™‚

    • #7725 Reply

      I’m wondering if there has been any progress on this feature?? I really like using Ribbet, but would like to be able to create and save a standard template to use for all my Pinterest sized blog photos. Thanks!

    • #7727 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Susan, Thanks for contacting us! Unfortunately this feature is still on our list for the future. I’ll keep this forum thread updated once this feature has been launched.

    • #15837 Reply

      Iā€™d like to import photos saved on pintrest to create a collage to export to facebook. Can I do that in Ribbet?

    • #15844 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Arl, Thanks for reaching out to us!

      You can achieve this – although we don’t have an import from Pinterest option, you can:

      1. Click GRID COLLAGE from our START tab
      2. In the Photo Basket (down the very bottom left) change the dropdown from Uploads to Web
      3. Enter the URL of each image and you can then drag the image onto the collage
      4. Click DONE up the top right and then SAVE up the top center to save your image to your computer
      5. Upload the image to Facebook

      Let us know if you have any questions about this!

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

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