Ribbet is great, the best!

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    • #5892 Reply
      Brian Lacouvee

      I would like to write that I have done extensive research into finding the perfect image editor to help my website provide good SEO Images. Your work with Ribbet is great! I have said a nice word about you to our friends at WOT and added in Twitter and Facebook. Would you like us to tell Google + how great your are?
      Look forward to a long relationship even after we start paying for premium. Too bad a few more Image Optimization Bloggers where not aware of your work, it gets overlooked to less quality software.
      Continued success!

    • #5900 Reply

      Hi Brian, Thanks so much for your kind words and your support in spreading the word about our editor! It would be fantastic if you told Google+ about us. Thanks again and really appreciate your support!

    • #5907 Reply
      Brian Lacouvee

      Sorry I have looked and could not find your Google +
      – On another note: I use LastPass to remember passwords, however your site does not allow LastPass to populate the username and password area, is there a security feature on your site that does this or is it just the design? Many sites, even my bank, ha! allow LastPass to do it’s thing.

      Would you rather I rewrite this to a new post?

    • #5909 Reply

      Hi Brian, We actually hadn’t really set up our Google+ page properly until now (we’ve been more focused on Facebook and Twitter). You can find us at https://plus.google.com/+Ribbet/.

      Continuing with this post is fine. I’m not sure why LastPass doesn’t support Ribbet, but it’s probably because Ribbet’s Adobe Flash based, and perhaps LastPass only supports HTML passwords.

    • #5923 Reply

      I totally agree — I LOVE Ribbet! I own Adobe Elements 12 but I do very little with it — Ribbet continues to supply me with everything I need to edit portraits and creative work. I hope Ribbet is here to stay!

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