Photo size problems

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    • #6463 Reply
      Sarah G.

      When I download a photo to do circular collages (printed 4 inches or less), the photo is to big for each circle and it cuts out a lot of it. It wont let me make it smaller to fit more of the picture. What size image should I have the photo saved in order to print most of the photo in the circle?

    • #6471 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Sarah, Thanks for contacting us! This is happening because our collage maker currently doesn’t allow you to Zoom Out to a level that would allow the edges of your photos to become visible. You can work around this so that more of each photo will be included, but you will be able to see the edge of the photos (which will make them no longer appear circular).

      To include more of each photo, first open up each image and crop it to a square size (using the Basic Edits tab > Crop tool, with the preset dropdown set to Square). Next you can also add a border to each image using the Frames tab > Border tool, with an Inner Thickness of 0 and the Outer Color of your choice (probably the same color as your collage border). You may want to experiment with different border sizes. Save each image so that they save to your Ribbet History.

      Then when creating your collage you can change the Photo Basket to view your History items, and drag on these edited images.

      Let us know if we can be of any further assistance!

    • #6475 Reply
      Sarah G.

      Thank you for your time. I was unable to make more of the photo show up inside the circle. I guess it is to long of a photo as it is more vertical than it is wide.

    • #7523 Reply

      I love your museum matte frames to display for my clients to see how their pics can look framed. I would love to increase the size of the inner border, how can this be done? And the moment I use a black frame with a white mount, it’s the mount i refer to, it’s too thin at 100%.

      Thank you

    • #7525 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Shirley,

      Thanks for contacting us! There is a workaround to achieve a wider than 100% inner border:

      1. Apply Museum Matte with the outer border at 0% and inner border at 100%.
      2. Apply Museum Matte again, and adjust the inner/outer borders as desired.
      3. Go to the Effects tab > Doodle tool (towards the end of the page).
      4. Click the Color selector, and then click on the inner border (to ‘Pick’ this color)
      5. Paint over the unwanted drop-shadow between the 2 inner borders that were applied.

      Let us know if you have any further questions.

    • #7526 Reply

      I made a collage yesterday. Each photo is the collage is large in size, but the finished collage is very small. Is there a way to make the collage a larger file size so that I can make a large poster with it?

    • #7528 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Danette,

      Thanks for contacting us. To maximize the resolution of your collage you can:

      1. Change your Image Quality setting to Archival by clicking Hi Username on the top right toolbar
      2. When creating your collage, change the Quality on the top toolbar to High

      This will allow collages at up to 3600×3600 which 24″x24″ at 150DPI.

      To edit your current collage, open it up from the Library > History tab, and then click Undo until back in Collage mode. You can then change the Quality to High.

      Let us know if you have any other questions.

    • #7529 Reply

      So, if the end collage is 24″x24″, how can I get that to a size that is printable? I don’t know of any source that prints a 24″x24″ poster.

    • #7531 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      24×24″ is just an indicative size if the collage is square, and printed at 150DPI. You can print larger, but this is around the size where quality will be optimal.

      You can also print at other sizes – by using the Collage Maker’s ‘Snap drop-down’ and setting it to the size you’d like to print at (e.g. 20×24) you can ensure your collage will fit the desired poster size perfectly.

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