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    • #6909 Reply

      I’d Just like to take a moment to point out the new force of joining premium membership. It’s bad enough I have to pay for everything else; every other editor on the internet,and now this?! I’ve had a free ribbet account for over a good 3 years or so now and have been using it perfectly without having to pay a cent and i loved it, Now I can’t even make one stupid collage without it asking me to pay to add more rows! This was a serious downgrade and a shame to log onto since i constantly used this editor and strongly disagree with the monthly fees, some of us have actual bills and other memberships. Like I said,I loved ribbet, I did…sadly I’ll have to fall back on Just pizap, and picmonkey and unfortunately paint.

    • #6927 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Alex,

      Thanks for your candid feedback. We appreciate your thoughts and do take them seriously.

      Unfortunately as a business that’s looking to grow and create increasingly exciting and advanced photo editing tools, and apps, we had no choice but to charge moving forward. This will enable us to develop our ideas and create even more beautiful and simple photo editing tools.

      We are looking at making more Premium features free, so do let us know what you’d like to see made free and we’ll try to make it happen.

    • #6931 Reply

      Hi. I was wondering if you can make the eye changer free? I mean that’s my favorite thing to use. And now if I want to save my picture, I have to pay for it. I really don’t want to, and I don’t have any free cash right now. But that’s just a thought, thanks!

    • #6935 Reply

      I find it ridiculous that people seem to expect a service to be free just because they have had a free account up until now. It was never a secret that eventually the premium service would have a charge associated with it. People should be grateful that they have had access to all the features and functions up until now. Those of us who value what Ribbet provides will pay for the service, and those who don’t can move on. But complaining that a business should keep this service free because you have other bills and membership fees to pay for is nonsensical. I say it’s a great thing to see Ribbet moving forward and I look forward to the improvements and new apps that will be coming.

    • #6945 Reply

      I honestly do not understand as to why Ribbet has to charge for touching up photos. I do get that Ribbet needs to grow as a business, but the personalized merchandise is already so expensive and it’s almost like paying for Adobe Photoshop all over again.

    • #6980 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Melody, Thanks for your feedback. We will consider this.

      Hi Kat, unfortunately the revenue from personalized merchandise is not sufficient to allow us to maintain a high quality service, and develop lots of exciting new features and apps for mobile devices.

      Thanks Kelle for your comments and support!

    • #6990 Reply

      i’ve got my account since 2012 after damn picnik closed and my pictures went from epic to big nope
      so 10 minutes ago i just had to pick up my jaw from the floor when i found out that i need to pay now.
      i do totally understand you though but come on, i’ve been using this for so long and i’m so used to the editing tools you just can’t take it away from me.
      i could probably pay you when i’m dead and maybe famous with my paintings hanging in the louvre because let me ask you, have you ever seen a young and still living artist with enough money? well if the answer is yes, congratulations to that one lucky lobster who is unfortunately not me.
      if it is about creating and adding new editing tools why didn’t you just feature them in the premium upgrade
      so if we wanted to use ( and obviously could afford ) those new tools we could pay for the upgrade.
      or send me money so i can pay you
      that would be cool.

    • #6997 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Binks, Thanks for your honest feedback. I understand where you’re coming from. The revenue from Ribbet Premium will however allow the site to continue to be run, rather than Ribbet going the way of Picnik, and shutting down completely.

      By charging a modest amount for Ribbet Premium, we are also going to be able to create many exciting new features, for both free and Premium users, along with free Ribbet apps for mobile devices.

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