
Home Forums Feature Requests Fonts

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    • #614 Reply

      I think it would awesome if we could upload our own fonts, is there a way to make this possible?

    • #619 Reply

      Hi Laura, Currently there isn’t a direct way but you can achieve this using the “Pro Editor” tool. Go to the Advanced Tab and choose Pro Editor, then select “Pixlr Editor”. This will open up Pixlr’s Photoshop-like editor where you can add fonts from your own computer. When you save, you will be back in Ribbet where you can continue editing.

    • #976 Reply

      Update: You can now use fonts from your computer. Simply click “Load My Fonts” at the bottom of the Ribbet font list to use any font installed on your computer.

    • #1045 Reply

      Thanks for adding this new feature. But I am having problems with the font size. The fonts that I added from the sites that you gave me do not get as big as the fonts from your online software. Any suggestions?

      Thanks in advance

    • #1047 Reply

      Hi John, This is a limitation of the current version of Flash that is integrated in Google Chrome. There are 2 solutions (until this is fixed in an automatic Chrome update):

      1. Try another browser when you need to use large font-sizes (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer etc) and if you still have a problem try updating flash.
      2. Or, you can alternatively disable Chrome’s internal Flash player so that it uses the system Flash player.

      If you still have a problem please let us know.

    • #1048 Reply

      Thank you, I disabled Chromes internal flash player by following the very easy instructions that you had given to me and it works brilliantly. Thanks so much again.

      Job well done in the pond. KEEP IT UP!! 🙂

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