Flipping Photos

Home Forums Questions & Answers Flipping Photos

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    • #1531 Reply

      I flip my pictures on Ribbet to face the correct way, but when I upload them to Facebook and Smugmug they have rotated back to the original direction. Every other change that I’ve made is still in tact. How do I keep them from rotating?

    • #1535 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Emily, This issue with image rotation is a problem that occurs when the rotation is stored in the EXIF data of the photo (hidden information attached to a photo, usually created by your camera). Ribbet currently doesn’t support EXIF rotation and so if the photo is already rotated in EXIF, Ribbet ignores this information when loading the photo. When saving, it hangs onto all the original EXIF data though, and so the rotation still exists when saving (even though you can’t see it in Ribbet – you can see it in other programs including on Facebook and Smugmug).

      So basically you’re not doing anything wrong, Ribbet at some point will need to take into account EXIF rotation. Until then you’ll need to be aware that if Ribbet has ignored the rotation on loading, it will return on saving.

    • #1536 Reply

      Thanks so much! Glad to know it wasn’t me 🙂

    • #3830 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Update on this: EXIF rotation is now correctly accounted for by Ribbet and so this problem should be resolved.

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