- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 3 months ago by
rob zanna
I was looking at using your image editor on our website.
Using the sample url in your API instructions it creates an export url of:
http://www.ribbet.com/content/api-example.php?file=http%3A%2F%2Ffr.ribbet.com%2F~ribbet%2Fair%2Fout%2FJ77063932249335The decoded file parameter is:
http://fr.ribbet.com/~ribbet/air/out/J77063937788462If I navigate directly to http://fr.ribbet.com/~ribbet/air/out/J77063937788462 I am asked to download an application/octet-stream file.
Why doesn’t the image show??
You must be doing something to the image file as it shows correctly here:
KeymasterHi Rob,
Thanks for contacting us. Basically the url in the file parameter points to a temporary image download. It will only remain a valid url for a couple of days. The intention of the API is that you will save this file to your server if you need to hang onto it, or you can display it immediately (as it does in api-example.php that you've mentioned) using some simple PHP like:
echo '<img src="'.$_GET['file'].'" />';
?>Alternatively the following Javascript can be placed directly into an HTML file in order to display the image:
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(location.search);
return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
}document.write("<img src='"+getParameterByName("file")+"'>");
</script>Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance!