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    • #7107 Reply

      The pro editor wont redirect my pictures to Pixl Express …i keep getting ” 301 Moved Permanently” ..Why is this happening! I payed for a premium so i guess i am in title to be able to use all features of Ribit! I am using since day one and i have edited for sure over 850 pictures… is there a reason and will this be fixed soon???

    • #7109 Reply

      Hi Roos,

      Thanks for contacting us and sorry to hear that you’ve run into this issue!

      We are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it. We will update you as soon as this has been fixed.

    • #7116 Reply

      Hi Roos,

      We’ve now pushed a fix for this issue. You’ll need to make sure you reload Ribbet before trying again (if you still have it opened).

      Let us know if you continue to see any issues. Thanks!

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