Dog Version of Redeye Fix

Home Forums Feature Requests Dog Version of Redeye Fix

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    • #4083 Reply


      Picnik had a very effective one-button tool to fix the dog version of redeye, which one might call “goldeye.” I know there are more time consuming ways to achieve the end result, but this one button tool in Picnik was super easy to use and as I said, effective. Any plan to bring this feature Ribbet?


    • #4085 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Ralph,

      Thanks for contacting us. I believe that Ribbet has exactly the same Red-eye tool that Picnik had. If you head to the Touch-ups tab > Red-eye tool there is a Furball option. Are you aware of this feature or is the issue that it’s not working for you how you would expect? If you are aware of it, could you please email us a copy of the photo you’re having a problem with to support [at] so that we can try to replicate the issue. Thanks!

    • #4176 Reply

      I was not aware of it. I remember now that ‘furball’ was indeed actually an option within the redeye tool on Picnik. Thanks very much for answering, I appreciate it.

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