Delete photo uploaded

Home Forums Questions & Answers Delete photo uploaded

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    • #6738 Reply
      Bey Garcia

      How do I delete the photo I uploade in ribbet. I found the photo I uploaded was in your apparel merchandises. How do I delete them all. Please help me.

      Thank you.

    • #6740 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Bey,

      Thanks for contacting us! You can delete your photos from the Library > Get from Computer tab (click the Clear All button up the top right to delete them all). Rest assured that all previews on merchandise are only visible by you, and your Ribbet photos are always completely private.

      Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #6793 Reply

      I am trying to delete just one photo … how do I do this without deleting anything else?

      Thank you.

    • #6799 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Penelope, Thanks for contacting us! You can do this from the Library > Get from Computer tab. Click the Cog icon beneath the image you want to delete, and then select the Delete menu. Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #6810 Reply

      If I’m making a ‘create a shape’ collage, how can I manipulate each photo? when I shuffle, sometimes the best part of the photo is hidden and I want to adjust that!
      Thank you.

    • #6812 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Buzzcar, There isn’t a way to manipulate each photo. Unfortunately you have to do your best with the Shuffle functionality. Let us know if you have any further questions!

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