Can I edit my project after I saved?

Home Forums Questions & Answers Can I edit my project after I saved?

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    • #6773 Reply

      I started a project in ‘Create a Shape Collage’. I saved it, and pressed ‘done’ because I was done for that day’s session. But now I can only find a static image of it. It is not listed as my most recent project, so I cannot find it. I’d like to continue editing. How can I find and edit?

    • #6778 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Buzzcarr, Thanks for contacting us!

      In order to have your collage appear in the Library > History tab, you have to actually save the image to your computer (or to a social network). Clicking the Done button unfortunately isn’t enough; you have to then click the Save tab (up the top center) and complete the save.

      Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #6807 Reply

      OK now this time I did save my collage to my computer. But the copy on my computer is only a static image, it does not let me continue editing.
      When I go to Library/History tab, in Ribbet, I do see my collage there, but when I click on it, the image does not come up, it is a black screen that asks if I want to save or delete.
      Please Help!

    • #6809 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Buzzcarr, Try double-clicking the item from the History tab. If you have an unsaved edit opened, it will ask you to Save or Discard your changes. If you don’t need the changes, Discard and it will then load up your item from History.

    • #6853 Reply
      Darleen Raulerson

      I had the same issues and I followed your advice, but when the item came up, the pictures were not there, only the text. Any additional advice?

    • #6860 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Darleen, Thanks for contacting us! This may have been a temporary connection issue. Can you please try exiting your web browser completely, and then re-launching Ribbet and trying again? If you then continue to have a problem, contact us here so that we can help you out one-on-one and look more deeply into this specific issue. Thanks!

    • #7242 Reply

      I get the same thing – I’ve saved to computer, etc. and when I come back, I see no way to access the old template – only the flat jpg is accessible. How do you edit the project?


    • #7245 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Matt,

      As long as you open from the Library > History tab, you should be in the same place as you were just before you saved (able to move elements etc). If wishing to edit the photos within a collage however, it’s necessary to Undo back until you’re in ‘Collage Mode‘ (when the Collage tab appears up the top center).

      Let us know if you have any further questions!

    • #22693 Reply
      Sheri Galbreath

      I saved a collage to my computer and it is in my history on ribbed. How can I edit the museum frame to make the lines smaller or delete the frame and start over?

      • #22696 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Sheri,

        If you open up the item from History, you can then Undo (by clicking the Undo icon up the top right of your image) until the Museum frame disappears and you can then re-add it.

        Let us know if you have any further questions!

        – The Ribbet Team

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