back one step in express

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    • #3926 Reply

      I am trying to spot heal on my photo, and I want to go back one step. Well I know there is an “undo” button on the top right, but it doesn’t work. I have also tried ctrl z. That too does not work. Of course I never have to go back a step until I am almost finished and then I have to “reset” which undoes all of my work. Any suggestions?
      Thanks in advance!

    • #3928 Reply

      Hi Brandi, Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately this tool currently only supports undoing an entire set of actions. My only suggestion would be to use the tool a few times, apply, use it again a few times, apply again and so on. That way you can undo or cancel a small group of fixes, rather than having to undo the whole lot. Hope that’s of some help.

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