Auto 3D, Lens Flares and Digital Eye Contacts

Home Forums Feature Requests Auto 3D, Lens Flares and Digital Eye Contacts

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    • #1254 Reply

      I think that you guys should create an effect that emulates red-blue 3D movies, those usually look awesome! Secondly artificial PNG Lens Flares (realistic) should be available, bokeh doesnt give the desired effect most of the time. So just like put them in the sticker section and make it like a collection of at least five lens flares. Lastly, i love putting false contacts on my eyes when editing photographs, so you should again make a category of realistic PNG eye contacts (of different kinds) in the sticker section, and you can also have the fun ones too like robot eyes or something but put at least 10, five realistic and 5 fantasy.

    • #1283 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi AlexArtist, These are some excellent suggestions, thank you. A couple of them you can achieve now:

      – For Lens Flares, try Advanced Tab > Pro Editor > Pixlr Express and then Overlays. There’s a lot to play with in there.
      – For Eyes we do have some eye balls within the Seasonal Tab > Halloween but you may have seen these and they’re not precisely what you’re talking about. You can also paint over your eyes to change their color on the Touch Ups Tab but again that may not be what you’re after.

      As for your other suggestions, we’ll look at including them in a future Ribbet version. Thanks!

    • #2823 Reply

      i am using this for my friends

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