Advanced Blend Modes/Overlays

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    • #580 Reply
      Julie HeitzBen

      I decided to use my handwritten signature for a watermark since I don’t know if fonts are copyrighted or not. I have it saved in my photo basket and drag into my pictures. It is written in black on a white background so I have been using the “multiply” advanced blend mode to get the background to blend in with the photo. When I try to do this on a dark area of my photo, the signature does not show. I tried changing the signature color to white and NOTHING shows up. What am I doing wrong?

    • #583 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Julie. Try this: open up the signature in Ribbet, go to Advanced > Curves and select the preset “Invert”. This will make it white on black.

      Save this inverted signature and drag it onto your photo as a watermark (you can drag it from “History”). This time use the blending mode “Add” instead of “Multiply”. You can also use the fade slider to fade it out a little.

    • #584 Reply
      Julie Heitz

      Thank you soooooo much!

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