Adding background

Home Forums Questions & Answers Adding background

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    • #2216 Reply

      Hello, I seriously love this website seriously, it’s so fun to be here but, I was wondering if you guys could do a ”add background colours”? I know it sounds stupid but I was just wondering since after my edits I have to go somewhere else to place my background colours…

    • #2221 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Dolma, Thanks for the feedback! What do you mean exactly by “add background colors”? You can use the Doodle tool (towards the end on the Effects tab) to paint on a background color, but I suspect you mean something slightly different. Let us know and we’ll either point you to a possible way of doing it now, or look at adding the feature you’re after.

    • #3963 Reply

      Hi, is there a way to change the background of my photo?

    • #3969 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Grace, Thanks for contacting us. Yes there is: In order to change the background of an image you will need to use the Eraser tool. Start by opening up the background image, and then drag on your foreground image from the Photo Basket at the bottom of the editor. You can then use the eraser to delete areas from the foreground photo. We have a demo video which demonstrates how this is done.

    • #7659 Reply

      I LOVE ribbet..have been using it for a while now but I wanted to know, is there a feature that can change the color of a graphic? For example, I have a heart graphic, and the graphic is red, but I’d like to change the heart to other colors such as making the heart pink, or blue, or green. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!

    • #7661 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Tee, So glad to hear that you love Ribbet!

      You can change the color of a graphic using the Effects tab > Tint effect (about 4 pages from the top of the tab). Let us know if this isn’t quite what you’re after. Thanks!

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