Change Persective

Home Forums Feature Requests Change Persective

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  • Author
    • #9590 Reply
      Suzy Garner

      Is there a way to change vertical and or horizontal perspective with Ribbet? If not, please in the near future add that as an option. I love Ribbet!

    • #9621 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Suzy, Thanks for reaching out to us!

      Would it be possible to explain further what you mean by changing the vertical/horizontal perspective? Do you mean to distort the image so that it becomes thinner on one or more sides, or something different? If you have a link to an example image that could really help.

    • #14187 Reply
      Mike Martin

      I too would like this feature. For example, if you have a camera tilted up and take a picture of a cathedral, the vertical lines will converge. This can be post fixed in programs like Photoshop. They call it a filter for distortion. It allows straightening the vertical lines so they become more parallel.

    • #14202 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Mike,

      Thanks so much for the clarification! I’ve added this to our wish-list for inclusion in a future Ribbet version.

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

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