Some of my downloaded pictures are sideways

Home Forums Questions & Answers Some of my downloaded pictures are sideways

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    • #2822 Reply
      Kellie TIlley

      Pictures that are correctly oriented in my computer are downloading sideways into the photo basket! How can I rotate only one picture in the collage and not rotate the others? Help!!

    • #2831 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Kellie, Unfortunately this is a current limitation of Ribbet. When images are rotated in their EXIF data (which is almost definitely what is happening here) they aren’t correctly rotated when loading into Ribbet. The only way to currently work around this is to rotate them first in the editor, save them and then when building the collage use the edited, rotated items (available in the Photo Basket’s dropdown under History). We will be fixing this in a future Ribbet version as well as allowing you to rotate images from within Collage mode.

    • #3829 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Update on this: EXIF rotation is now correctly accounted for by Ribbet and so this problem should be resolved. Furthermore you can now rotate, flip and zoom your images when creating a Ribbet collage.

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