Trouble uploading photos

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    • #75 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      If you’re having trouble uploading photos to Ribbet, please walk through these steps:

      Step 1: Upload the images using the Basic Uploader

      If the big, red Upload Photos button is giving you trouble, use the Basic Uploader. In the Library tab, click on Get from Computer. The Basic Uploader is located below the Upload Photos button.

      Step 2: Clear your browser cache

      Follow these steps to clear your browser’s cache.

      Step 3: Use a different browser

      If you’re still experiencing trouble, download and use one of the following browsers:

      – Google Chrome: Download it at
      – Firefox: Download it at

      Step 4: Clear your shared objects

      A local shared object is very similar to a browser cookie, but for Flash websites like Ribbet. It’s a data file that Ribbet creates on your computer to help improve your experience. Learn more about local shared objects at

      When these shared objects become corrupted or old, it can affect your ability to upload. Follow these steps to clear your shared objects in Adobe Flash Player:

      1. Go to Abobe’s Flash Player help web site. The Settings Manager that you see is not just an image; it’s the actual Flash Player Settings Manager.
      2. Scroll through the list of sites and select
      3. Click the Delete Website button for each.
      4. Confirm the deletion.
      5. Open the Global Storage Settings Panel.
      6. Check both of the following boxes:
      – Allow third-party Flash content to store data on your computer.
      – Store common Flash components to reduce download times.

      Once you’ve cleared your local shared objects, please clear your browser cache (Step 3) again.

      Step 5: Make changes to your Internet Security programs

      Many Ribbet upload problems are caused by interference from programs designed to protect your computer: security programs, virus detectors, firewall settings, and parental controls to name a few. If you have any of these programs active on your computer, you can try adding ** as an exception, lowering the security settings, or disabling these programs altogether (temporarily) to see if it fixes the issue.

      Be sure to include the asterisks (*) when adding the exception.

      Failed uploads can also be caused by Internet access through a proxy network. If you’re at work or school, try uploading your photos from a different computer or location.

      If you’re still having problems uploading from your computer, you can also grab your photos from nearly anywhere you store them on the Internet. Under the Library tab you can connect to Picasa Web Albums, Facebook, Flickr, and more.

    • #9305 Reply
      angela Kay

      problems uploading photos all day saying “too large” of a file, usually I upload the same sized files with no problems

    • #9309 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Angela,

      Thanks for reaching out to us.

      Sorry to hear that you’ve run into this issue. We haven’t changed anything in this area recently. We’ve always had a 16 megapixel limit on uploads, however we will be lifting this limitation in the next Ribbet update. You should be able to overcome the limit by using the Basic Uploader (below the Upload Photos button on the Library > Get from Computer tab).

      If you continue to have the issue, could you please email an example image to support [at] so that we can investigate further?

    • #9701 Reply
      Marlene Ansley

      Sometimes I get finished editing a photo, and Ribbet “stalls” when I’m trying to save it to my computer!! This is very annoying, especially if I have to edit it all over again! Thanks for any help!

    • #9703 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Marlene,

      Sorry to hear that you’ve run into this issue!

      I notice that you’re running an older version of the Edge web browser. To resolve this, I’d suggest either:

      – Updating Edge to the latest version by running a Windows update. Or,
      – You could download and use Google’s free Chrome browser instead, which offers the most reliable Ribbet editing experience.

      If you continue to experience any issues, please reach out to us here so that we can help you out directly. Thanks!

    • #10177 Reply
      lesley smith

      I like the expanded features on Ribbet. However, I cannot find where I can load in a custom background such as a downloaded HD wallpaper from Google. I always customize my background to compliment the photos I have used. Where do I find this feature. If there isn’t one, well forget it. I will continue to use Phototastic.

    • #10181 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Lesley,

      Thanks for reaching out to us! To change the background on your photo:

      – First open (upload) the background photo
      – Next upload the foreground photo to the Photo Basket (at the bottom of the editor) and drag it onto the main photo
      – You can then erase from the foreground photo using the Eraser Tool in the Photo Properties dialog

      We have a brief demo video here.

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #10182 Reply
      lesley smith

      I like to sometimes use long thin photos in my collages and do so by resizing. However, I haven’t been able to find the feature where I can do that. All I can get is the proportional sizing of photos. How do I do it?
      Thank you for the info on adding backgrounds to my collages.

    • #10191 Reply
      Avatar photoRibbet

      Hi Lesley!

      Have you tried dragging the borders of the collage cells or the edge of the entire collage? By doing this you can resize it exactly how you like it, and make it long and thin.

      Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #12117 Reply
      Savanah Hamilton

      I’m on safari and ever since the update am unable to upload more than one photo at a time, even though I am a premium member. help! I have cleared my cache and searched for the basic uploader but can’t find it.

      • #12136 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Savanah,

        Thanks for reaching out to us! You should be able to upload multiple files from Safari (it’s working fine from here). The simplest way to select multiple should be to hold down the Command key while clicking the files you want (or here’s an article outlining some alternate ways to select multiple).

        If this still isn’t working can you please let us know what happens when you try to select multiple files? Is the issue that you can’t even select more than 1 at a time? Or is it that they won’t load? If they won’t load, it may be that you need at add * as an exception to any ad-blocking or anti-virus software you have running.

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

    • #19429 Reply
      Bridget McDowell

      I tried all of the above fixes (browser cache, adobe shared cache) for failure to upload and the only change is that I now get a general error screen (“Something went wrong”) instead of an Adobe error screen (“Plug-in failed”). I even deleted half of my saved images to clear some memory. Is linking to another site my only option? The beauty of this site was that it worked independently…

      • #19438 Reply
        Avatar photoRibbet

        Hi Bridget,

        Sorry to hear that! I am following up with you over email now to help resolve the problem.

        Regards – The Ribbet Team

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